About Me

Who am I and why do I think I should create a blog?

I am a mom to two wonderful kids. I spend my day in front of the computer for a large software company in Redmond. I spend my evenings and weekends cooking, cleaning, and doing all that stuff to make sure my family is comfy.

I love trying out new recipes and techniques. And I recently became obsessed with another cooking blog or two, to the point my husband was threatening an intervention.

Mostly, I created this blog to help me keep tracking of my recipes. I often combine multiple recipes, and then I can't remember what I did the next time I want to make it. Or which cookbook it came from. Or blog. Or magazine. Or show.

A couple items about my recipes.  I hate black pepper. My husband hates salt. Yes, we're picky. And we're trying to raise kids that aren't as picky as we are. Luckily, like salt and pepper, our dislikes often compliment each other, so at least one of us will eat something. So it gets a variety on the table. But if you look at my recipes and say, hey, where's the salt and pepper, well, it's not listed because I don't add it. I've never had any complaints at my dinner parties. And I always tell people, if you want these items, feel free to add it, I'm not offended at all.

Another item is, my son is allergic to peanuts. As a result, there are very few things made with nuts in my house any more. I have found peanut free walnuts and peanuts, so I'm slowly adding things back in. But I'm also trying to utilize SunButter (sunflower butter) to accomodate the peanut allergy. Sunbutter is good, but it has a different flavor than peanut butter. I have substituted it in curry with good results. I substituted it in no bake chocolate cookies with bad results. So hopefully I'll find some items that folks with peanut allergies can use.