Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Taco Chili

I love Ezra Pound Cake. I adore her humor and way more of her recipes than I care to admit. She posted a recipe for Taco Soup and I immediately upon seeing it renamed it Taco Chili. It looked like chili to my simple brain. It also looked like an opportunity to eat corn chips, sour cream, and cheese.

I should add in this little detail, I am not a fan of chili. It is in the realm of things from my childhood that I've tried to repress. Ham and bean soup, beets, pickled eggs, all in the list of things I am happy to never have again. Ever. But this chili with all the fixings made me think, this could be interesting.

I took the opportunity to make this when I was providing a meal for a new mother. My reasoning was, I can try a small bit and see if I like it, and it fits all the dietary needs of this family. I made up a batch and loved it. I've since tweaked it and now it really is more "chili" like. I usually make half a batch, but lately I've been finding that half a batch isn't enough, so I'm doing a whole batch and watching it quickly disappear.