Monday, December 20, 2010

Eggnog Cookies

I admit, I hear eggnog and I shudder. I have never been able to handle the thought of egg nog. But I am married to a man who loves it. And I have made it from scratch for him many times. Managed to get a Scottish friend who was visiting quite hammered on it even. So last year someone mentioned eggnog cookies and I thought, hmm, I bet Sean would like that. I did some research and found a few different recipes and set to work.  After they were done, I decided to try one. And wow! They were great. I was more than a bit shocked by this fact. Not only does it contain eggnog (bleh) but nutmeg which I find to be a double bleh. Who knew that combined with some butter, cinnamon, and sugar, it would be very non-bleh.

This year I plan to freeze some egg nog when the season ends to be able to make some of these cookies in the summer time. And I know what you're thinking, freeze eggnog? Why not, it's going to be mixed in to something, so it should do fine. I guess we'll see this summer!

I put this in my AllRecipes recipe box and wish I could remember the different sources I used so I could attribute.


Well honestly, can the title say it any better? Garlic! I love garlic. Cooks Illustrated has the most amazing 40 cloves of garlic chicken and I've been addicted since my first bite. I first tried 40 cloves of garlic chicken in the early 90s, stuffing a whole chicken and baking it. For a garlic lover, even I couldn't handle it. Then I found out about roasting the garlic first using the Cooks Illustrated method, and I was in love.

Now this time it is Garlic Soup. I saw a recipe for Garlic Soup on Tasty Kitchen and thought, hum, that sounds good, but I think it would be better if the garlic was roasted. I began a search, and found a lovely version and decided I must try this. So 24 hours after finding the initial recipe, there is garlic soup in my house. I made up the batch, created a small bowl to share with Sean. I had 2 spoonfuls and never got the bowl bake. I guesss that means it was good. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cheese Crack and I'm a dealer!

Ok, so this isn't the real name for this dish, it's just one we have used to describe it. :) I have made this for a number of crops and everyone seems to love it. To the point of being asked "where's the cheese crack" when I made something different one night. On Friday, Sean had a potluck for work and said that's what he wanted to take. So the Thursday night before the potluck, cut to me making his dish as well as 13 dozen cookies. Well, the cookies is a totally different post. :) Yes, I may have been quiet here, but I have been cooking my brains out. I need to find time to get some of the new favs posted with my tweaks and comments. Soon, honest, soon.

Back to the cheese crack. If you are on a diet, read no further. If you are concerned about your hardening arteries, well, this will help harden them. But if you don't care and want something completely yummy, I recommend checking this out.