Monday, January 31, 2011

Which level of hades is the grocery?

I hate going to the grocery store. I will do just about anything to avoid it. This includes sounding pathetic while talking to my husband to convince him to stop and pick up one or two items for me. I have most of my groceries delivered. Why yes, I am yuppy scum. Safeway delivers for $5. I'm a working mom, it's worth $5 to get back that time in my day. Plus it keeps me from doing impulse shopping.

This weekend I saw that we were out of mini-wheats. I also saw that the new Costco coupon book has mini-wheats. So I wanted to hold out until that coupons start. To ensure we had breakfast (Sean, Lucy & I eat mini-wheats), I needed to do a bit of cooking. Did I mention I hate going to the grocery? Times that by 100 and you have Costco. :) Don't get me wrong, I love Costco, I just need to be in the right frame of mind.
I took a look around my kitchen and I had stuff for Brinner (Breakfast for Dinner) Sunday night. I had the makings for pancakes (tried a new recipe, going to tinker with it, but it's a good base), sausage, bacon and hash browns. I decided to make enough for breakfast for most of the week. After the kids were in bed I realized that I didn't really want that for breakfast, I wanted coffee cake. I decided to look around for a new recipe. I was rewarded with this loveliness, Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake. Mmmm...

And all so I could avoid going to the grocery. And the kids still had pancakes for breakfast, I was the only one to snag coffee cake.'s good to be the mom!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm obviously not a vampire... Garlic! Again!

In case it wasn't already obvious, I'm not a vampire. For that matter, I never enjoyed the Anne Rice books, nor have I read any of the Twilight series. Good thing with my obsession for garlic. Yes, it probably is an obsession, not just a love. As soon as I see something with the world garlic in it, my head will twist any direction necessary to check it out.

Last week a friend shared that her husband made garlic risotto for dinner. Garlic risotto? Well, of course, why not! And then my research began. I found a lovely roasted garlic risotto and had to give it a shot. It was great. And the true miracle, my husband loved it. Until now he has refused to touch risotto. Granted, the problem is I make mushroom risotto and he hates mushrooms. So he took a tiny spoonful and tried it, eyes lit up, grabbed the spoon and heaped it on his plate. I only made a half recipe because until now I didn't really have to share, plus I was down to two heads of garlic. Well, I did, with Thing 2, and she can chow, but it wasn't like sharing with the whole family. I also made this as a side dish, not a main. And the main, why chicken marsala, of course. Let's throw all those calories in at once!